The Life And Prophecies Of Nostradamus

Michel de Nostredame loved from 1503 to 1566. He was most well known during his life as an apothecary. He was also an astrologer and known as what was known as a seer someone who can see things that are going to happen in the future. During his life he worked hard to document his large range of prophecies that have become extremely popular in recent times.

In reality the vast majority of his writings were extremely obtuse. When anything happens in recent times that seems to have significant historical context there is a means to connect it to something that had been said by Nostradamus. That does not mean that his prophecies have absolutely no merit, but it is something to be considered when trying to connect them to things that happen in our world.

During his life he was most famous for prophecies that he printed inside of his almanacs. He became so popular among elites that he was eventually summoned to Paris to meet with Catherine de Médicis who was the wife of King Henry the II, of France. At the time he was concerned that he would be persecuted, but he was so favored that he was appointed as Counselor and Physician-in-Ordinary for her son.

He did also do prophecies for individuals. He had a major flaw, however, in that he refused to take the time to chart out their place and time of birth and translate is appropriately as was the custom of astrologers. Many of his clients did not find this concerning, but others accused him of being a fraud.

In modern times it is believed that he prophesied a number of wars, the robbing of his own grave, the invention of aircraft and more. With the election of various leaders it has been asserted that they were the coming of the anti-christ that Nostradamus spoke of in his quatrains. This is directly related as well to the threat of a war that will be bigger than all other wars ever known. Leaders around the world have been believed to fit the description.

Nostradamus is either is believed to predict the future, or simply a fraud that had an irrational beliefs about his abilities depending on who you ask. In either case, his story has stood the test of time. There is no doubt that the story of Nostradamus and his quatrains will continue to lead to speculation regarding their accuracy.

Why Your Mindset Determines Your Future

The term "Self fulfilling prophecy" is all too apt when it comes to how we think about ourselves. Just think about it. You've likely heard people in your life talk over and over about their misgivings. It can be something as simple as "I'm not good at math" or "I wish I had some kind of artistic talent." As people say those kind of things over and over, they allow themselves to stay in that exact state rather than do anything to change it. It's completely counterproductive, and unfortunately, those kind of thoughts are incredibly common in almost everyone..

The only way to move forward and make progress in any particular area of your life is to adopt a positive mentality about it. If you believe you can do something, you'll be much more apt to give it a try and do whatever needs to be done in order to make it happen. By admitting that you can't do something, you're essentially reveling in it and assuring that it's only going to stay that way. That's precisely why it's important to be careful with your everyday mindset, because it is integral to what's going to become of you in the future. .

The "can't" mindset will set you back at every corner, as will thinking only about what's wrong with your life. From "I hate my job" to "I need to lose weight" and anything in between, saying and thinking those kind of things only affirms them and cements them in your mind. Whatever problems you're facing will only become more and more difficult to overcome as they grow more firmly rooted in who you're letting yourself become. If you want to have a better future, you have to focus as hard as possible on staying positive. .

So, if there's something you've always wanted to do, start telling yourself you can. "I am losing weight" or even "I'm going to lose weight" is a lot more positive than continually placing phrases like "I wish I could" or "I need to" up front. If you want a certain career, skill, possession, or literally anything else, only by accepting that you deserve it and will get it will it ever happen. Your mindset is crucial to your happiness, and it's really as simple as a few basic tweaks to your typical thought process. Focus on positivity, and your life will begin improving tenfold even faster than you'd expect.

Self Help Guide For Seeking Spiritual Truths

In the quest for spiritual truth, many are confused as to what is and isn't reality. This self-help guide will help you to seek your own spiritual truth.

To begin with, you're life is a journey. It's a quest for spiritual awakening and recognition. When moving through the pathway of life, it's often an arduous dark journey that has many pitfalls.

If you're seeking true happiness, you'll want to have a guide that will assist you. This path will give you guidance and help you to focus on what you need out of your spiritual quest. Everyone has their own path, some seek answers in astrology charts, others in intuitive readers.

Deep within your heart, you'll feel a sense of what is right and what is wrong. You'll need to learn to listen to this feeling and focus on how it makes you feel. After you have practiced finding that inner place in your heart something will click you will know when and what to do when you are confused.

If you have the feeling that something is truly not right, then you're likely having a spiritual awakening on the truth. Open your eyes and heart and focus on how you're feeling. You will sense there are other ideas and truths to live by than many people adher to. This gives you the spiritual awakening that tells you what is right.

Not everyone listens to this inner voice like they should. Many instead second guess themselves right into a mess. The mess that they create makes them lose focus on their lives.

Giving God your heart and focus is the first step in your spiritual quest for spiritual truth. God can help you to focus on reality and a peaceful feeling that will guide you through your life.

Your best self-help guide is your inner heart and it can guide you through any situation in your life. From your birth to death this inner knowledge will help you to do the right thing no matter what.

You'll feel the spiritual truth and know without a doubt in your heart that it's the truth and shall set you free.

Stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on how you're going to get through today. Living one day at a time and seeking God will guide you through your quest for spiritual truth and awakening.

Self-help means that you'll be able to help yourself along the way without having to worry about finding a guide.

You can go to church or find a mentor to help you in the beginning and you'll be able to find your happy place without having to lose your focus. There may be many teachers in your life but only the true teacher will self-guide you through your quest.

Helena Blavatsky Theosophical Society And Divine Science

There are many New Age concepts that are discussed today. Most of them have originated from the work that was done decades ago. One of the primary movers in this esoteric way of thinking was a woman by the name of Helena Blavatsky. She was well known for her books that she had written, and was a proponent of what is called the Spiritualist movement. She believed in the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, information that she gathered over time in her travels through Tibet and throughout the world. Some of these teachings ended up creating different spiritual teachings of their own, and one of those is called Divine Science another The Ageless Wisdom . Let's see how these relate, and discuss this New Age way of perceiving the world.

What Is Divine Science?

This can be referenced in a couple of different ways. First of all, it refers to what is called New Thought. The Church of Divine Science was started in San Francisco in California back in 1888, the same year that Helena Blavatsky's magnum opus the Secret Doctrine was published. Both of these teachings come from a very similar point of view. There is an underlying force that all things originate from. As a result of that, life itself is an illusion, a common thought that permeates both Hindu and Buddhist it thinking. Similar contemporary concepts have been popularized in writings and also movies such as The Matrix. There is this belief that the world that we see around us is in part the result of the way that we perceive the world, and the other part is based solely upon illusion. More specifically, Divine Science refers to the manifestations of God in Creation, with all references to God being an entity that is literally all things. Although many of their influences have come from the teachings found out the Unity Church, and people such as Charles Fillmore, Mdm. Blavatsky most certainly had some impact.

These teachings are designed to allow people that deviate from traditional religious thought such as that found in Catholicism or Christianity, teachings that allow the individual to develop their own unique viewpoint based upon a completely different premise. This premise is that we are all one, part of the One that is all things, and that through our individual perceptions and personal efforts, we can begin to peel back that veil of illusion to learn more about ourselves and the universe around us.

Traveling The World As A Spiritual Seeker - Insights On Spirituality

Perhaps now more than ever there is a gnawing thirst for spiritual knowledge and awakening. More people are meditating and are generally doing what they can to know spiritual truths. To the rest of the world, traveling the world as a spiritual seeker may seem like an expensive undertaking - traveling to India and staying in an ashram to meditate and learn yoga.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to take a sabbatical from your job and family responsibilities then you are indeed blessed. However make sure that what you intention are that you can make the time you can devote to your spiritual growth real Astrology can help you pinpoint places on the planet that will vibrate with the energy for spiritual development. For instance going to your Neptune Jupiter lines enhance the probability of meeting esoteric seekers and spiritual teachers.

However, the truth is that spirituality is very much an internal experience. And the first step in the right direction, towards awakening and insight, is going inward. Inward does not mean sitting in meditation for ten or twenty minutes. It means being aware in the present moment - in your body and with the myriad of thoughts running through your mind - and moving beyond the present moment to the gentle awareness that everything is one. That everything good and bad is in the mind of God or Supreme Consciousness.

This is really easier said than done as most people like to reminisce the past and imagine the future. However, spiritual awareness is only anchored in the now, where you are. There are many resources out there that will help you train yourself to be more aware in the present moment. Try different methods until you find one that works for you. And when you do find a method that works, you will find definitely feel within yourself a spark that can only be described as divine.

As you are working on your inner experience, it is equally important to work on your outer experience.

In Ashtanga yoga, meditation is always accompanied by the two disciplines of Yama and Niyama or inner action and outer action. You have heard about some of these observances of Yama and Niyama through the observances of non-violence, benevolent truth telling, among others.

In this day and age, it is impossible to sit in meditation the whole day and hope that you can become an enlightened individual. Spirituality does not exist in a vacuum, and going back to the idea that you should go beyond awareness into the gentle awareness of everything being in Gods mind, you cannot go on hurting others in the smallest of ways without affecting the entire fabric of the universe.

That said, be kind of others, not just in action, but in thought and words. Remember that even thoughts have energy and what you think about another person will affect him or her.

Blavatsky Theosophy And The Ancient Wisdom

There is a term that is often discussed called Ancient Wisdom, a phrase that is somewhat overused. It often refers to the teachings of people from long ago that are still considered to be valid today. However, this actually once represented a very specific way of thinking, not undefined or random thoughts about spiritualism or New Age beliefs. It actually referred to a very specific and complete body of knowledge that fully encompass science, philosophy and religion. A woman by the name of Mme. Blavatsky popularized these esoteric teachings, also referring to this as Great Knowledge or the ageless wisdom . Let's discuss what some of these teachings were and how it applies to Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society.

What Is Ancient Wisdom Referring To?

In a very general sense, it is actually referencing all of the world's religions and spiritual thoughts that have occurred for centuries. People may also use other names such as Wisdom Religion, or even what is called the Secret Doctrine. In fact, the Secret Doctrine was a series of writings that the Theosophical Society promoted, the writings of Helena Blavatsky herself. She had actually published a couple volumes back in 1888, focusing on what is called Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis.

Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis

Cosmogenesis is a book that tries to explain the origins of everything, specifically from a Hindu point of view. In Hinduism, the world is believed to go through cycles, and that during this cosmic evolution, fundamental laws were developed which allowed the creation of all things. It is from this that the Secret Doctrine was also developed, the accumulated Wisdom of the Ages. This was gathered by people called Seers who could see beyond the illusion of reality itself, the very cloak of the true reality from which we all originate. Anthropogenesis, on the other hand, is the second half of this book which refers to what she calls Root Races. It is believed that Darwinism had nothing to do with the evolution of mankind and that we are the result of multiple advanced civilizations that occurred in ancient places called Hyperborea, Lemuria and also Plato's famed Atlantis.

In conclusion, this ancient wisdom is a cornucopia of philosophies and teachings that have been gathered over time area it is the result of people that are trying to find what actual truth means. It is through her efforts that this type of information was provided to the public, allowing people to make their own decisions on how the universe began, what our purpose in life might be, and what lies for us beyond in the afterlife.

Are Angels Our Spiritual Guides?

There has been a high level of debate over the topic of Angels. These have been discussed for centuries. Although they are found in other cultures, referenced by different names, Angels are depicted in the Bible. They are thought to be messengers, individuals that are neither human nor gods that are able to help mankind. In this way, they have also been referenced as spiritual guides, people on the proverbial other side that are designed to be helpers. That's look at whether or not Angels really are spiritual guides, and if they are, how we might consider contacting them when we have choices that we need to make.

What Are Angels?

According to many definitions, Angels are angelic beings, sometimes appearing with wings, that are agents or messengers of God. They are usually anthropomorphic in form, representing a man or a woman, possessing a set of wings. They only where long ropes, and are thought to be examples of virtue. That is why many people believe that they are spiritual guides. However, there are other stories of having Angels on either shoulder, one motivating us to do what is right, whereas the other to do what is wrong. Whether they exist or not is hard to prove because there is no tangible evidence. What we do have are the stories that have been written, and our own personal experiences, many of which would indicate that they are our spiritual guides.

Why Angels Could Be Spiritual Guides

In some cultures, spiritual guides are not just human in form. Some of them are half animal, half man. Many of the Native American tribes have spiritual guides that come in the form of animals, often referenced in their written and oral literature. If you have ever had a situation where you did not know what to do, or you were in danger, and something miraculous occurred, these are the moments where we must assume that a higher power was involved which many people attribute to angelic interventions.

Whether or not you have had an experience which could be referenced as an angelic encounter, or if you believe that you have a guardian angel watching over you, it is a concept that is very popular. In the same way that we can only know that God exists by inference, stories, and through our personal experiences in life, we can also ascribe some validity to the reality of angels that are our guides.

How My Divorce Strengthened My Spiritual Life

When I got married, I was prepared to commit to my spouse or the rest of my life. I took my vows seriously, and I had no intention of adding to the additional divorce statistics.

I assumed that divorce was easy to avoid. If my partner and I were having problems, I assumed that we could resolve those issues in counseling. I thought that marriage would be easy.

However, my views of marriage weren't exactly realistic. After eight years of marriage, my spouse asked me for a divorce. He said that we were too young when we got married, and claimed that he wanted a chance to experience the single life. I was powerless; there was nothing I could do to change his views.

At first, the divorce drove me into a deep depression. I had planned out my entire life, but now those dreams for the future were over. I was something that I had never wanted to be.

In time, however, my feelings about the divorce began to change. As strange as it sounds, I believe that my divorce strengthened my spiritual life. I wanted to discover a different part of who I was, a me who was truly authentic and real Astrology helped me recognize and remember parts of who I was and who I always wanted to be.

It Forced Me To Confront My Own Faults

I spent a lot of my life feeling superior to other people. I assumed that people got divorced because they had made mistakes, or because they weren't faithful enough.

When I got divorced, I had to confront my person faults. I stopped thinking about how much better I was than other people. Instead, I focused on becoming a better person. I knew that I wasn't superior to anyone else; I was another sinful person who could be saved by God.

I Got More Involved At Church

When my husband and I got married, we were both active in our church. As time went on, however, my husband began to drift away. By the time our marriage ended, we were only going to church to keep up appearances.

After my divorce, I spent a lot of time at church. That support system really got me through a tough time. I stopped worrying about my romantic life and started focusing on my spiritual life instead.

In the days after my husband and I separated, I felt like God had abandoned me. I believed that God had brought my husband and I together, and I expected him to keep us together. After a lot of prayer and soul searching, I realized that that wasn't the case. In the end, my divorce brought me closer to God.

Properly Understanding Fitrana

Fitrana is one of the obligations every Muslim must fulfill each year. This is money given to the needy before the day of eid-ul fitar arrives. This money is given to the poor so that they will have something to use in order to fulfill their own need on the day of eid. The day of eid must be celebrated by all Muslims, rich or poor. The celebration is a prize or reward from Allah for the 29/30 fasts that Muslims observe during the entire month of Ramadan.

For ages, Muslims celebrate a number of special days of rejoicing each year. These special days are meant to celebrate and be happy. The two official days of rejoicing in Islam are the 2 eids. These special occasions must be celebrated by every Muslim, not only those who have the means to celebrate.

But not every Muslim have the capacity to celebrate. Some are too poor that they do not even have enough for their daily needs. To help these less fortunate Muslims to be able to celebrate, Islam gave the obligation of fitrana. In this mandate, every Muslim who is sahb-e nisab must pay fitrana before the eid prayer. This money goes to the poor for them to use for the celebration of eid. This is why it is also important to pay fitrana a few days before the eids so that the poor will receive the money before the celebration. This way, they have money to spend by the time for eid prayer arrives.

Fitrana is not the same as zakat. The two are similar obligations. The difference lies in how fitrana is measured and distributed.

The basic calculation of fitrana is 2.5o wheat per head in a family. For example, there are 10 people in the family. Per head (person), the fitrana given is 2.5 kg of wheat. That would be 2.5kg x 10 (people)= 25.0 kg of wheat. This family of 10 must pay the equivalent of 25.0 kg of raw wheat as fitrana to be given to the poor.

This amount is not so large that it is difficult to pay. Muslims are expected to pay the calculated fitrana a few days before the eid. Do not wait for the day of the eid itself before paying. Remember, this money will have to be distributed to the poor so allot a few days leeway.

A lot of people choose to calculate and pay the fitrana in the standard money against the 2.5 kg. However, it is better to calculate and pay according to the current equivalent amount of wheat. This would mean that if the price of wheat increases, the calculated fitrana is also higher. The sahib-e nisab will not be burdened much by the increase because the fitrana 2016 is still a small amount. But this increase will greatly help the poor family receiving it. They will have more money to spend on the day of eid, making their celebration even more joyful.

In Islam, it is an obligation that every Muslim will remember their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters during times of happiness, as well during times of sorrow. If they do not remember other people and forget about the poor, the world will be a sad place for those who have very little in life.